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Chronicle Workshop - Literary Journalism

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Master in History.

He published "Goodbye to Quino" in El Espectador among others

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Narrative journalism has a mission: to use the subjective gaze of the author and find a voice that is the identity of that gaze to convey facts and events to the reader. In this way, author and reader become involved with the narrated reality.

This practical workshop aims to train two fundamental tools of literary journalism: the subjective gaze and the right voice to translate that perspective to the reader. The respectful gaze tool will be aligned with the event, delving into different journalistic investigation techniques (interviews, reports, etc.) with the writing techniques of some fiction authors. 

Creative Writing Workshop

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Professional in Literary Studies

Master in Communication

Editor, copywriter and proofreader.

Curso de Escritura Creativa

The form is not the only important thing and it is not enough to respect the grammatical rules or not make spelling mistakes for the text to be considered literature. Nor is it enough to have an idea, an argument or a theme to narrate, the construction of the text goes through different moments and processes so that its presentation to the reader manages to generate some aesthetic impact. In this workshop we will provide literary creation tools to write stories, narratives and novels (depending on the case) with an aesthetic stamp and we will do a personalized follow-up according to the innate creative possibilities of the participants. We will draw the best literary writer that each of the participants has.

Practical Script Workshop


Visual artist

Audiovisual narrator and musician.

CEO Aural Networks

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Through this workshop, the student will learn about the process of developing a cinematographic technical script, for a short fiction, which must be adapted, according to the particular interest of each one, starting from an idea, which  It will be developed through the proposal of a Story-Line, the elaboration of a Rundown, resulting in a literary script, to  finally conclude the workshop by preparing the technical script.

The review of audiovisual references will be proposed to open a discussion about the different styles, the themes they propose, the facts they narrate and what they can contribute of value to each student who takes the course in their own scriptwriting process.

Each week progress will be made in the process of
  writing of each step that leads to the conception of the technical script. 

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